Monthly Archives: November 2016

Introducing The Academic Writer’s Programme (AWP)


I love teaching. I love writing. I love giving. I love motivating students. This is why, after nearly 30 years of teaching experience, I have decided to branch out and create the Academic Writer’s Programme (AWP). This programme is an online doctoral school, designed to help PhD students to stay on course and complete their thesis with a smile. Yes, with a smile! I’ve written two PhDs. I know what it’s like. I know the problems you encounter and I’m here to help.


Let’s kick off with a FREE COURSE, followed up by loads of actionable steps so you move quickly from a struggling student to one who is confident that s/he can succeed.


There will be tons of valuable free tips coming your way on this blog, so sign up and spread the word!



not ‘only’ play…

italics play 5yrs 5m

joined-up handwriting, 5yrs 5m

The idea of play creates order. It is order: ‘While it is in progress it is all movement, change, alternation, succession, association, separation’ (Johan Huinzinga, 1969, p9, 10, cited in Rendel-Short, 2015, p92)

Play (verb) from Middle Dutch, pleien, meaning to leap for joy, to dance, rejoice, be glad.

shot 5

Katja doesn’t always like going to school, but guess which game she loves to play once she gets home? Here, she’s the teacher. Of course!